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This Sonar Drums Tutorial shows how to setup and use Session Drummer 2 in Cakewalks Sonar 8.
This tutorial will give you a basic understanding of Session Drummer 2 plus take you step by step in setting it up and using it.
First a basic explanation of Session Drummer 2 and what it is and what it can do for you.
Session Drummer 2 is basically a soft synth sampler that uses Midi to trigger the sounds. Its main use is to playback drums and other percussion instruments.
It can play 10 sounds at the same time and can play multisamples.
It has three sections:
In the prog, midi and pad section you can load programs and audition the programs. The instrument section lets you change the individual instruments. The mixer section lets you adjust parameters for individual instruments as well as the whole kit.
Session Drummer 2 in Sonar 8 Producer comes with many programs already installed for playing sonar drums. These programs include different midi pattern playing styles and different drum kits.
To play a program in Session Drummer 2:
In the Insert Soft Synths Option
Session Drummer 2 will load and add 8 MIDI Tracks and 1 Audio track to the project.
Sonar 8.5
Flagship Recording Software
In order to play SD2 you need to load a program.
To load a program into Session Drummer click on NEW PROGRAM in SD2 and select from the drop down list.
When a program is selected it will load into SD2, press the play control in SD2 and the program will play. Press loop for continuous playing of the loop.
You can create you own programs and store them as presets which include MIDI Data, Instruments and Mixer settings giving you sonar drums presets to use in your projects.