How do you record acoustic guitar in Sonar Recording Software?
In this acoustic guitar tutorial I will explain step by step how to set up sonar 8 to record acoustic guitar using sonar recording software.
Although this page is about recording acoustic guitars it can also be applied to any acoustic instrument, including vocals, so it is really about sonar audio recording.
With Sonar 8 you can record any instrument and, the steps to follow are the same regardless of the instrument you are recording.
1. Start Sonar 8
After starting Sonar 8 you need to create a new project and the template you will use.
2.Set Metronome
It is important to use the metronome to record, as the recorded audio data will then be stored at the right measure and beat within the project.
Alternativley you could create a basic drum track first and use the drum track to help you play in time.
Here's how to set the metronome:
Within the metronome dialog box you have various parameters you can set.
3. Set Meter/Key
The meter is the time signature of the music such as 4/4, 3/4, 6/8.
The key is the key signature of the music Sonar 8 defaults to the key of c.
You can set the time and key signature within sonar 8.
Here's How
4. Set Tempo
You need to set the tempo that you will use to record.
Here's how to set the tempo
5. Set Sample Rate and Bit Depth
See Sonar Audio Setup Tutorial for instruction on how to set the sample rate and bit depth.
6. Add new audio track
In this sonar recording tutorial we will be recording audio so we need to add an audio track to the project.
Here's How
7. Arm Track
When you are ready to record you need to arm the audio track to let the sonar recording software know you want to record on the track.
In the track view of the new audio track click the R button to arm the track. This gets the track ready to record but does not start the recording.
When the track is armed the tracks meter become an active record meter so you can set the input record levels.
8. Setting the input levels
With the microphone plugged into the audio interface/soundcard play as you will when you are going to record and watch the record meter in the audio track.
With the signal to low unwanted noise will be recorded. If the signal is to high the signal will clip and be distorted.
When you play the loudest part of your performance and the meter turns red the signal will be clipped and the recording will be distorted.
The loudest part should not go above -6dB for a good signal input.
9. Start Recording
Press R on the computer keyboard or the transport record button to start the recording.
The sonar recording will start after count-in.
10. Stop Recording
Press the spacebar on the computer keyboard or the transport stop button to stop the recording.
The Sonar software creates an audio clip of the recording.
11. Disarm Track
Disarm the track so you don't record over the recording by mistake.
12. Listen to the Recording
In the tracks Output field select the output from the drop down menu.
Rewind the track and press play.
13. Delete Performance and Try Again
If you don't like the performance you can delete it and record another performance.
Two Notes
1. If you want to hear effects when you are recording but not record the effects.
2. You can check your tuning with Sonars built-in tuner.